Noteworthy Facts about Mobile Truck Side Advertising:
- Approximately 150 million Americans will commute on every business day.
- The average American will travel over 300 miles per week and over 15,000 miles per year in their vehicle.
- The average semi-trailer will travel 125,000 per year. Long Haul rigs will travel up to 150,000 miles per year.
- Nationwide Mobile Billboards will generate well over 1,000,000 impressions per month.
- Truck side Advertising is the least expensive and one of the most effective forms of outdoor advertising. Our Mobile Billboards will offer you the highest return (ROI) on your investment when compared with other media rates.
- Television/Spot (30 second Prime) – $20.34
- Newspaper Ad (1/2 Page BW) – $23.32
- Magazine (1/4 Page) – $8.00
- Radio (30 second Prime) – $5.92
- Stationary Roadside Billboard (City/National) – $3.90
- Direct Mail – $6.00
- Yellow Pages – $13.50
- Internet – $28.00
- Mobile Truckside Advertising – $1.50
(Per Arbitron Inc./Edison Media Research)
Nationwide Mobile Billboards:
In this uneasy economy, companies are continuously searching for more effective and economical methods to promote their brands, products and services to the general public. There are several useful mediums out there to advertise through, but these unfortunately can be quite expensive and may not impact the clients’ business as they hope. Long Haul Trucking would like to present you with an opportunity to promote your brand in an extremely noticeable and cost-effective way: Nationwide Mobile Billboards.
If you have ever seen a Long Haul Truck on the road, you immediately know how the best in class trucks will stand out from normal traffic and are able to attract attention on the road. Long Haul’s first-class fleet makes such a visual impact that you can’t help but take notice. Each advertiser with us utilizes a double-sided 49 foot ad space, along with the back 8’x8’ section to give your brand the most exposure on the road.
Advertisers are looking to influence millions of consumers each and every day, but stationary advertisements can often only reach a certain amount of people. Long Haul’s Nationwide Mobile Billboards is an alternative advertising outlet that is able to target any market in the United States and Canada. Our medium is one of the most effective forms of outdoor advertising and offers your company the highest return (ROI) on your investment when compared with other media rates.
With alternative advertising, it is important to consider the essentials of everyday, such as driving. Naturally, most people have to commute to work or simply dirve for just about any other reason. Nationwide Mobile Billboards allows your brand to be accessible to those drivers in a clear and noticeable message.
The value of our Nationwide Mobile Billboards is understated, simply because your advertising will be placed on existing, MOBILE, property thus keeping the costs cheap. For your money, a fresh audience will be continuously exposed to your brand.
One of the major benefits of Long Haul’s Nationwide Mobile Billboards is it’s ability to reach any potential market in the United States and Canada. The mobility of this type of out-of-home advertising allows your brand to expand to markets that you had never previously considered in a cost-effective manner.
With Nationwide Mobile Billboards, you do not have to pay extra for the implementation of the technology that goes into digital ads and other forms of alternative media. Mobile Billboards is a traditional form of advertising that still accomplishes the same goals of reaching a wide audience through alternative means, but with a twist: few forms of alternative advertising allow your brand or message to be conveyed to such a wide variety of people at all times.